How does Live Wedding Painting Work?

Step 1: Once Upon A Time...

Send me an enquiry form with the important info about your wedding and and I’ll get in contact within 1 to 2 days to discuss your big day. If our calendars match up- you can secure your date for live wedding painting with a 25% deposit.

Step 2: The Quest Begins...

We’ll arrange a consultation by zoom call 3 to 4 weeks before your big day. Together we’ll discuss your vision for the artwork and what’s important to you. This might include colour palette, scenery, the moment you’d like to be painted. Ironing out those important details to capture your love on canvas perfectly!

Step 3: The Magical Moment…

On the day of your wedding, I will arrive 1 to 2 hours prior to the ceremony to set up my easel and begin laying down some background tones to the canvas. Based on our consultation or the timeline of your day, I will take you for a photoshoot to capture the perfect moment for the painting. I will spend the remainder of the wedding day painting you and your newlywed in your moment of bliss!
You and your guests are welcome to watch the magic happen or ask questions at any time during the reception.
Once the reception is packing up for the night, I take the canvas back to my studio for touch ups and details.

Step 4: Happily Ever After!

At my studio I spend a some time working on details and retouches of the painting. The painting then needs to dry for a few weeks before varnishing. Your completed live wedding painting will be ready for pickup or shipping within 8-10 weeks.

How does Live Wedding Painting Work
How does Live Wedding Painting Work